Afternoon: 12pm-6pm
Morning: 6am-11:59am
Evening: 6pm- 8pm
Late Night:12am-5:59am
4 pm the same afternoon is 8 hours.
7 hours
Oh, dude, seriously? An afternoon typically lasts from 12:00 PM to around 6:00 PM, so that's 6 hours. And since there are 60 minutes in an hour, you do the math... but who's really counting, right? Like, just enjoy the afternoon vibes, man.
if say 11:30 in morning to 5 in afternoon then add 1/2 hour to noon, then add 5 0:30 + 5:00 = 5:30 five and a half hours add 12 if twelve hours later
It is 2 o'clock in the afternoon (12 hour system). Or it is 14:00 hundred hours (24 hour system).
8 to 9 hours
4 pm the same afternoon is 8 hours.
8 hours 30 minutes
The duration of An Autumn Afternoon is 1.88 hours.
The duration of At Five in the Afternoon is 1.75 hours.
The duration of The Disney Afternoon is 2 hours.
The duration of Afternoon Live is 3 hours.
In military time, four o'clock in the afternoon is 1600 hours.
7 hours
The duration of Dog Day Afternoon is 2.08 hours.
The duration of At Five O'Clock in the Afternoon is 1.72 hours.
The duration of Mid-Afternoon Barks is 1.28 hours.