365 days in a year, times 24 hours in a day =8,760.
8,760 hours in 1 year, times 5 years = 43,800 hours in 5 years!
Five years is approximately 43,829.05 hours.
219,150 hours
43,800 hours
Please be more specific as to five 'what' - days, months, years...
Assuming that a span of five years includes one leap year, the number of hours is equal to (365 x 24 x 4) + (366 x 24) = 43824 hours. Assuming that a span of five years includes two leap years, the number of hours is equal to (365 x 24 x 3) + (366 x 24 x 2) = 43848 hours. If none of the leap years was a leap year, then there would be (365 x 24 x 5) = 43800 hours in five years. 5 years = 43 829.0639 hours
Five ?
If you average 8 hours per night during that period, then you've slept away 25 years.
Five hours.
Five hours. 12 PM is noon. Five hours later is 5 PM.
17 hours
Five hours