If you're in school for 6 hours a day and 5 days a week, it should be about 120 hours.
There are 730 hours in 1 month.
A 29 day month has 696 hours, a 30 day month has 720 hours, and a 31 day month has 744 hours.
About 730.5 hours.
About 744. Hours
Since school is a five day week and there are four weeks in a month, a school month is 20 days.
Well, it depends on your hours at school, but I got to school from 9 AM to 4 PM. That's 7 hours a day. I go to school from Monday to Friday, that's 5 days a week. So 7 hours a day times 5 days a week equals 35 hours a week. One month is four weeks. So 35 hours a week times 4 weeks is 140 hours. So if you go to school for ONE FULL MONTH (That's Monday - Friday) for 7 hours a day, you are at school for 140 hours a month.
There are 730 hours in 1 month.
730.484398 hours are in a month according to google
depends how many hours they work and use a calculator to do how many hours they work a day and times it by how many days in a month.
120 minutes per month is 2 hours per month.
A 29 day month has 696 hours, a 30 day month has 720 hours, and a 31 day month has 744 hours.
About 730.5 hours.
About 744. Hours
well when you are 15 or a high school student you need to work 15 hours a month or week , to not get behind
7 hours in school 7 hours in school 7 hours in school
Since school is a five day week and there are four weeks in a month, a school month is 20 days.
there are 720 hours in the month of September