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If you're in school for 6 hours a day and 5 days a week, it should be about 120 hours.

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Q: How many hours are you at school in a month?
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How many hours in a month are spent in a class room?

Well, it depends on your hours at school, but I got to school from 9 AM to 4 PM. That's 7 hours a day. I go to school from Monday to Friday, that's 5 days a week. So 7 hours a day times 5 days a week equals 35 hours a week. One month is four weeks. So 35 hours a week times 4 weeks is 140 hours. So if you go to school for ONE FULL MONTH (That's Monday - Friday) for 7 hours a day, you are at school for 140 hours a month.

How many hours are in month?

730.484398 hours are in a month according to google

How Many Hours in one month?

There are 730 hours in 1 month.

How many hours teachers work a month?

depends how many hours they work and use a calculator to do how many hours they work a day and times it by how many days in a month.

How many hours is 120 minutes a month?

120 minutes per month is 2 hours per month.

How many hour has 1 month?

A 29 day month has 696 hours, a 30 day month has 720 hours, and a 31 day month has 744 hours.

How many hours are there in the month of August?

About 730.5 hours.

How many hours are in the month of January?

About 744. Hours

How many hours can a fifteen year old work at McDonald's?

well when you are 15 or a high school student you need to work 15 hours a month or week , to not get behind

How many hours of school do children who live in Arizona have?

7 hours in school 7 hours in school 7 hours in school

How many days is a school month?

Since school is a five day week and there are four weeks in a month, a school month is 20 days.

How many hours in the month of April?

720 hours in april