There is no such time as '3000'.
The 24 hour clock has a maximum time of 2359. ( One minute to midnight).
2400/0000 (midnight) is not used because of possible confusion over the day/date.
The 24 hour clock times are from '0001' to '2359' . This includes '1215'.
1215 hours is 50.63 days or 1 month 20 days 5 hours. 1215 months is 886950 hours.
4 and 1/4
7:30 to 11:50 is 4 hours and 20 minutes. 12:15 to 5:00pm is 4 hours and 45 minutes.
30 minutes.
The time from 3:30 PM to 12:15 AM is 8 hours and 45 minutes.
.833333 hours or 49.9999 minutes
3,000 minutes = 50 hours
2 years = 104 weeks 3000 hours divide by 104 = 28.846153
1 year = 365 x 3 + 5 x 24 = 1215 hours
3000 minutes