

Best Answer

Main program run:

Job start : 6th June 1997 22:29:06

Job end : 8th June 1997 03:32:17

Elapsed time : 29:03:11

Main memory : 212 GB

Algorithm : Borweins' 4-th order convergent algorithm

Verification program run:

Job start : 4th July 1997 22:11:42

Job end : 6th July 1997 11:19:58

Elapsed time : 37:08:16

Main memory : 188 GB

Algorithm : Gauss-Legendre algorithm(Brent-Salamin)

Optimized main program run:

Job start : 1st August 1997 23:04:15

Job end : 3rd August 1997 00:18:47

Elapsed time : 25:14:32

Main memory : 212 GB

Algorithm : Borweins' 4-th order convergent algorithm

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Q: How many hours did it take a supercomputer to calculate pi to 1.5 billion digits in 1997?
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16,666,666.666 hours in 1 billion minutes

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One billion years is approximately 8,765,810,000,000 hours.

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4 billion years = 3.50632511 × 1013 hours

How long did it take the 1949 computer to calculate pi 2037 digits to?

Hello my friend sorry for taking so long dfor this question , when pi was calculated 2037 in 1949 it took 70 hours to do on the ENIAC computer. 70 hours.

How many hours are in 700 billion minutes?

11,666,666,666 hours 11.6 billion hours which is 486 million days which is 1.33 million years

How many hours are in a billion?

A billion...Nanoseconds (0.00027777777777777777777777.....)Microseconds (0.27777777777777777777777777.....)Milliseconds (277.77777777777777777777777777.....)Seconds (277,777.7777777777777777777777777.....)Minutes (16,666,666.66666666666666666666666.....)Hours (1 billion)Days (24 billion)Weeks (168 billion)Years (8,766 billion, or 8.766 trillion)

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The duration of Mr. Billion is 1.48 hours.

What is the age in 1 billion hours?

1 billion hours = 114,077.1 years Using: 1 year = 365.25 days