Not long enough for the 'telephone number' wages they get (in my opinion !) There are people who work a great deal harder for much less reward ! Someone can edit this with a more accurate answer if they wish !
168 hours in 1 week
148 hours
more than 60 hours a week
1 week = 7 days = 168 hours = 10080 minutes
24x7=168 hours
2 or 3 hours a week
The English Premiere League (EPL) has some of the best football players in the world. These players train at least 12 hours a week if not more.
I think one thing that they have in common are,that both of them are dedication and all the hard work they put into what they do.Some dancers dance for 12 hours a week,like me.Some football players do the same thin every week.
they train for about 2 hours everyday apart from sundays.
27 hours"
2040 a week
If you want good players I would Suggest five days a week for two to three hours
high school 4 hours college 6 hours NBA 6 to 7 hours
12 hours 12 hours
£150,000 a week for a good player
Yes, a lot more.
67,543.33 average weekly pay