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your mom

8-9 hrss

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Q: How many hours do you work per day as an accountant?
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How long does an accountant work per day?

The average accountant works 50 to 60 hours per week. Per week!!! I couldn't believe it when I found this answer. And, I almost forgot, I rock at Runescape!!!

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Oceanographers will work however many hours they decide is right for them. Typically an oceanographer will work about 12 hours in a day.

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a dance teacher can work any hours it depends on the company work hours to how many hours the dance teacher will work a day

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12 hours a day

How many hours in one week does a Certified Public Accountant work?

Depends on the firm... many firms require that employees work at least 225 extra hours during tax season - some pay extra (overtime) for those hours, some don't. Outside of tax season it really depends on the CPA's specialty, but most work a typical 9-5 day.

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A typical work day is 8 hours.

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8 hours a day

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8 hours a day and 56 hours a week

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24 hours a day

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How many hours teachers work a month?

depends how many hours they work and use a calculator to do how many hours they work a day and times it by how many days in a month.