Exactly 1032 hours.
There are 23 hours and 57 minutes in a day
24 hours is exactly 1 (one) day.
48 hours is exactly 2 (two) days.
The PM (Post-Meridiem) part of the day contains exactly half of the hours of the 24-hour day, so there are 12 hours in the PM.
There are exactly 24 hours in a day everywhere on earth.
Exactly 1032 hours.
There are 23 hours and 57 minutes in a day
24 hours is exactly 1 (one) day.
Exactly 17 days. (24 hours = 1 day)
Depends on the time of year and place. When you are at the equator, the days are exactly 12 hours and the nights are exactly 12 hours.
48 hours is exactly 2 (two) days.
There are 23 hours and 56 minutes in the longest day - exactly as there are in the shortest day. How "long" or "short" a day is refers to how long there is sunlight in the sky. Many more hours a day in summer, many less hours a day in winter. But the actual length of the day on earth is always 23 hours and 56 minutes.
The PM (Post-Meridiem) part of the day contains exactly half of the hours of the 24-hour day, so there are 12 hours in the PM.
60 minutes an hour 24 hours a day ...
That depends on where exactly you are, and on the season.
Exactly the same as in any other month - 24 !