72 hours
13:45 + 24n hours where n is any integer.
From 6am to 5pm is 11 hours.
11am to 12 is 1 hour 12 to 5pm is 5 hours → 11am to 5pm is 1 + 5 = 6 hours
8.5 hours
2.5 + 5.5 = 8.0eight hours
72 hours
48 hours.
13:45 + 24n hours where n is any integer.
From 6am to 5pm is 11 hours.
11am to 12 is 1 hour 12 to 5pm is 5 hours → 11am to 5pm is 1 + 5 = 6 hours
Well, honey, if you can't count the hours from 5pm Friday to 5pm Sunday, I suggest you invest in a calculator. But since you asked so nicely, that's a total of 48 hours. Time flies when you're having fun, or in your case, asking silly questions.
13 hours
2 hours
8.5 hours