24 hours per day X 365 days per year = 8760 hours per year
1753.2 hrs.
11,395.8 hours using 365.25 days to account for if the year is a leap year, 11,388 hours if the year is a normal year, and 11,419.2 hours if the year is a leap year. The most likely answer would be the one using 365 days, so 11,388 hours.
A year is equal to 8,760 hours.
17,520 or 17,544 if one is a leap year.
One year is about 8,765.81 hours.
8,766 hours in one year.
8,760 Earth hours in one year.
Approximately 15,240 hours.
112739 hours because 27 divided by 30708=11273r9.so there are 11273r9 hours in one year
Depends on the job you get.
There are 8,760 hours in one year. At any instant of time during the year, there are a great number of Americans listening to music.
Do the math. 365 days a year. 24 hours in a day. So about 8760.
There are exactly 365 days and 3 and a half hours in one year! By Judy Tabbakh
There are 8,765.8 hours in one calendar year.
8,765.81 hours.