360 degrees
There are four syllables. West - Vir-gin-ia.
There are 6 syllables. On-o-mat-o-poe-ia.
Auxiliary has four (4) syllables. Aux-il-ia-ry
The most precise and mathematical answer is the IA stands for I Answered.
10 miles
Google Maps estimates the driivng time as 4 hours and 46 minutes.
It is an estimated 4 hour drive.
(IA = Indian Airlines) IA refused to accept her initially. They preferred to hire men with 100 hours flying experience even though she had already logged 6000 hours! It was only in 1966 that she finally joined IA.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 16 hours and 35 minutes.
Google Maps estimates th driving time as 27 hours,
852 mi - about 13 hours 14 mins by car
Des Moines, IA (DSM) to Phoenix, AZ (PHX) Shortest Flight Duration 3 hours 11 mins
It ia 1,207 miles and an estimated 20 hours and 36 minutes according to Google Maps.
About 500 miles. Would take approximately 9 hours driving time to reach the destination.
$62,400 a year.
It would take about 3 hours.