3 hours one Minuet
181 days, in leap year 182.
How many days in nine hours?
The answer depends on how you define a 6-month period. A six month period defined in terms of the same date in months are are 6 months apart is 181, 182, 183 or 184 days - depending on when you start counting. Half a calendar year is either 182 days and 12 hours, or 183 days (in a leap year).
2 days 6 hours
3 hours one Minuet
2.413333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 hours
The 21st of December 2014 is 181 days after it. The 24th of December 2013 is 181 days before it.
7 hours is close to 10. 181 is close to 200. 200 x 10 is = to 2000. 2000 is the estimate answer. The exact answer is 1309 hours
Wisconsin has a set number of minutes/hours--I don't know what that is ("x"). Then there are days--a separate issue. (Public) schools must be in session for 175 days, and must include "x" number of hours. Most public school districts schedule 181+ days, but some take those 181 student days and lengthen them but have fewer days to allow for professional development for teachers. This is fine until snow days or cold days bring a district's total under 175, in which case districts must make up the days (even if they have enough hours).
The 9th of October 2011 is 181 days after it. The 12th of October 2010 is 181 days before it.
181 days, in leap year 182.
180 days in a normal year, 181 days in a leap year.
1+30+31+31+29+30+29 = 181 days
How many days in nine hours?