how many hours are in 186 minutes?Express this as a mixed number and as a decimal.
There are exactly 186 hours - not a fraction more nor less - in 186 hours. And since that is an integer, writing it as a mixed number or decimal is no different.
3.1 hours
7 days and 18 hours.
186/60=3.1 186min divided by how many minutes in an hour (60) gives you 3.1 hours
186% is a nonsense!!! 100% is totally. However The percentage sign (%) means over '100' Hence 186/100 This cancels down to 93/50 Divide 93 by 50 equals '1' and a remainder of 43. Hence as mixed number it is 1 43/50
Time = Distance/Speed = 186/60 = 3.1 hours = 3 hours and 6 minutes.
At an average 60 mph: 3 hours, 6 minutes
between 2-3 hours.