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Q: How many hours in day and night?
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How many hours are there in day and night?

24 hours.

How many hours are there in a day and night?

24 hours.

How many hours is there in a day and night?


What is the duration of Day Night Day Night?

A day is 12 hoursA night is 12 hours

How many hours a day do tropical fish need to be in light?

The tropical day is near to 12 hours as is the night. The nearer the equator, the closer it is to 12 hours per day and 12 hours per night.

What hours do you consider to be day and night?

12hours in a day and 12 hours in a night

What does like night and day mean?

A day 24 hours, part of 12 hours night , so night means the time between sunset and sunrise . day part of 12 hours used for done many works for our future generation.

How many hours does a eighteen month old sleep?

They can sleep for a couple of hours in the day and 12 hours at night.

How many hours would day and night be?

There are 24 hours in a day and night.Midnight to Noon = 12 hoursNoon to Midnight = 12 hours12 x 2 = 24 hours

Why we don't have day and night hours?

Of course we do. We have day and night, and we have hours in both cases. You may want to clarify your question.

Is summer days characterized by longer daylight hours and fewer night hours?

in the fall and spring day are characterized by having what day and night hours

What is the duration of The Night of the Following Day?

The duration of The Night of the Following Day is 1.55 hours.