113 hours
Chicago, IL is 17 hours behind New Zealand. So at 11am in NZ it is 6pm in Chicago.
Depends on the location, but most of the time the hours are Mon-Sat 10am-6pmSun 11am-6pm
mon-sat is 10am till 9pm. Sundays 11am till 6pm
The hours of the NYU bookstore differ at each location at 726 Broadway it's Monday - Friday 10am - 8pm, Saturday & Sunday 11am - 6pm At 242 Greene Street it's Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm, Saturday 11am - 5pm, Sunday closed
Mine is open the following hours: Sunday 11am-6pm Monday-Saturday 10am-9pm They usually aren't open on major holidays. They will post a sign with their seasonal hours as well.
10 hours
Christmas Eve : 11am-6pm Christmas Day : CLOSED Boxing Day: 7am - 8pm
Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-9pm, Sun 11am-6pm
24 hours