4hrs 55mins
4hrs. 30min. or 4.5hrs. or 4 1/2hrs.
3hours=180min 180min+15min=195min
You take the number of hours and mulitply it by 60 :)
2hours... 120mins.. .25hours =15min.. 2hours .25min = 120+15=135
4hrs 55mins
About 4hrs 15 minutes
4hrs and 49minutes in a car
3hrs 15min
About 4hrs. It really depends on the speed too.
4hrs. 30min. or 4.5hrs. or 4 1/2hrs.
3hours=180min 180min+15min=195min
You take the number of hours and mulitply it by 60 :)
2hours... 120mins.. .25hours =15min.. 2hours .25min = 120+15=135