There are 24 hours in a day. 66 x 24 = the hours in 66 days. 66 x 24 = 1584 hours.
2.75486 days.
66 days and 12 hours.
There are: 528/8 = 66 working days
Just over two months - it's 66 days, 16 hours
A Mercury day (sidereal rotation period) is 58.646 earth days = 1407.5 hours.
2.75486 days.
The answer will depend on 66 WHAT! Seconds, days, years?
66 days and 12 hours.
1 day = 24 hours2.75 days = (2.75 x 24) = 66 hours.
There are: 528/8 = 66 working days
Just over two months - it's 66 days, 16 hours
A Mercury day (sidereal rotation period) is 58.646 earth days = 1407.5 hours.
66 days = 95,040 minutes.
depending on where you are... if in anchorage going to say... Minneapolis, it would take about 2 days and 18 hours, so 66 hours...
The answer is 66 + 168*n hours.
66 days