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There is no such time as 12 pm. There is 12 midnight and 12 noon. It is therefore impossible to answer the question.

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Q: How many hours is 9 am to 12 pm?
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How many hours is 12 PM to 9 thirty PM?

There is no tme such as 12 pm: it is either 12 noon or 12 midnight.

How many hours is 9 am to 8 pm?

It is a hole 12 hours.

How many hours from 10 am to 7am?

It is 21 hours.Note: 10 am to 10 pm is 12 hours, 10 pm to 7 am is 9 hours, 12 + 9 = 21

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How many hours is 12 pm to 930 pm?

12 p.m to 9:30 p.m is 10 hours and 30 minutes......... :)

How many hours is 930 pm to 730 am?

From 9:30 pm to 12:00 am is 2.5 hours, then from 12:00 am to 7:00 am is 7 hours. Therefore, the total hours from 9:30 pm to 7:30 am is 2.5 + 7 = 9.5 hours.

How many hours is 430 am to 430 pm?

9 hours and 30 minutes.

How many hours between 9 am to 12 00 pm?

Technically, 12 PM doesn't exist. It's either 12 noon (3 hours) or 12 midnight (15 hours).

How many hours are there from 9am to 2 30 pm?

9 am to 12 pm: 3 hours 12 pm to 2:30 pm: 2 1/2 hours 3 + 2 1/2 = 5 1/2 hours. So there are 5 1/2 hours between 9 am and 2:30 pm.

You go to bed at 8 pm and awake at 9 am how many hours of sleep?

13 hours. 8 pm to 12 am (midnight) is 4 hours. 12 am (midnight) to 9 am is 9 hours. 4 + 9 = 13 -- 13 hours of sleep (if you fall asleep exactly at 8 pm and awaken exactly at 9 am, have not awoken in your sleep, and have not changed timezones)

How many hours is 9pm to 12pm?

It would be 15 hours. The time period designation changes at midnight, so 3 hours after 9 PM is 12:00 AM. 12 PM is 12 hours later.

How many minutes are between 6 o'clock PM until 9 o'clock AM?

6 PM to 12 midnight = 6 hours 12 midnight to 9 am = 9 hours Total 15 hours X 60 minutes = 900 minutes