The duration of time between 9:00AM and 6:15PM is 9 hours and 15 minutes.
5 hours
9 hours.
615 is a time of day: it is not, and cannot be expressed, as a fraction of an hour.
1 day = 24 hours 9 days = 216 hours
9 hours
10 hours and 45 minutes
5 hours
there are 7 hours between 9-4
9 hours.
153 hours in 6 days and 9 hours! :-)
If you have the distance (in miles) in 9 hours, divide the distance by 9.
there are 7 hours between 9-4
615 is a time of day: it is not, and cannot be expressed, as a fraction of an hour.
1 day = 24 hours 9 days = 216 hours
9 hours