60 mph = 1 mile per minute so 369 miles will take 369 minutes ie 6 hrs 9 min.
10 hours 22 minutes.
20.4 hours
It takes 10 minutes.
Approximately 66.4 hours
8 hours 55 minutes.
3.47 hours.
If you are going about 65 mph, it will take you about three hours and 33 minutes to travel 230 miles.
It takes 25 hours!
3 hours 40 minutes.
10 hours 22 minutes.
64.15 hours
20.4 hours
Depends on how fast you are going
How fast are you going? Cant answer with out that!
Depends on how fast you are going
8 hours, 50 minutes.
689.64 / 65 = 10.61 hours