This question is relatively annoying. Well, because you didnt tell me when you wrote this question, ill just have to do the time now. its 3:00 PM here. August 10. so 8*24+1=193 hours. 24 hours in a day, 8 days. Happy I could help.
About 730.5 hours.
41 days
There are 720 hours in June, 744 in July and 744 in August, giving a total of 2208 hours.
Between the 18th of February 1992 and the 1st of April 1992 there were 43 days. From 18th February until 1st April 1992 there were 43 days (between 18th February and 1st April 1992 there were 42 days).
23 days, 8 hours until the 18th of December.
154hours 43minutes 32seconds (Note: By the time you read this answer, it will be wrong.)
52 days are from October 18th 2010 until December 9th 2010.
About 730.5 hours.
41 days
As of June 1st, there are 88 days until August 27th.
There are 720 hours in June, 744 in July and 744 in August, giving a total of 2208 hours.
Between the 18th of February 1992 and the 1st of April 1992 there were 43 days. From 18th February until 1st April 1992 there were 43 days (between 18th February and 1st April 1992 there were 42 days).
As on November 10th, 2012, it will be eight days until it reaches November 18th, 2012.
It differs across the state, however, about 350 hours of sunlight are experienced in August.
That depends what time it was, when you submitted the question ! At the time of answering (08:15 on 31/07/2012) - there are 18 days to August 18th. The question was asked at 31 Jul 2012 03:34 (the seconds are not logged, so I'll take the question time as the mid point between 03:34:00 and 03:35:00, namely 03:34:30), so until the start of 18 August 2012 there were: 17 days, 20 hours, 25 minutes, 30 seconds from 03:34:30 on 2012/07/31 until 00:00:00 on 2012/08/18.