How many hours of what? A typical - fairly high-quality - MP3 needs about 1 MB per minute, that would give you perhaps 17 hours of music in one GB. It is possible to save sound in about 1/5 of this space, and still have a decent (though not excellent) quality; that would give you 85 hours of sound in 1 GB. Ogg Vorbis uses less space (or offers a higher quality for the same amount of megabytes).Low-quality movies need about the same space as high-quality MP3, but a high-quality movie may require several MB per minute. Better check a sample of a movie you are interested in (or music, since music also comes in different qualities), and divide the number of megabytes by the number of minutes, to have an estimate.How many hours of what? A typical - fairly high-quality - MP3 needs about 1 MB per minute, that would give you perhaps 17 hours of music in one GB. It is possible to save sound in about 1/5 of this space, and still have a decent (though not excellent) quality; that would give you 85 hours of sound in 1 GB. Ogg Vorbis uses less space (or offers a higher quality for the same amount of megabytes).Low-quality movies need about the same space as high-quality MP3, but a high-quality movie may require several MB per minute. Better check a sample of a movie you are interested in (or music, since music also comes in different qualities), and divide the number of megabytes by the number of minutes, to have an estimate.How many hours of what? A typical - fairly high-quality - MP3 needs about 1 MB per minute, that would give you perhaps 17 hours of music in one GB. It is possible to save sound in about 1/5 of this space, and still have a decent (though not excellent) quality; that would give you 85 hours of sound in 1 GB. Ogg Vorbis uses less space (or offers a higher quality for the same amount of megabytes).Low-quality movies need about the same space as high-quality MP3, but a high-quality movie may require several MB per minute. Better check a sample of a movie you are interested in (or music, since music also comes in different qualities), and divide the number of megabytes by the number of minutes, to have an estimate.How many hours of what? A typical - fairly high-quality - MP3 needs about 1 MB per minute, that would give you perhaps 17 hours of music in one GB. It is possible to save sound in about 1/5 of this space, and still have a decent (though not excellent) quality; that would give you 85 hours of sound in 1 GB. Ogg Vorbis uses less space (or offers a higher quality for the same amount of megabytes).Low-quality movies need about the same space as high-quality MP3, but a high-quality movie may require several MB per minute. Better check a sample of a movie you are interested in (or music, since music also comes in different qualities), and divide the number of megabytes by the number of minutes, to have an estimate.
A gigabyte is a measure of infomation [storage]. An hour is a measure of time. The two measure different things and, according to the basic rules of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid. There would be a huge difference between the storage requirements of basic audio and high quality video, for example.
How many hours of WHAT? For a decent quality MP3, you can estimate 1 megabyte for every minute, and a gigabyte is 1024 megabyte. The storage space required may vary a lot, though, depending on the quality. Movies/videos take up more space, if they are of high quality.
Gigabytes are a unit of storage, not a unit of rate. 10 GB per month = 14.2 MB per hour
It depends a lot, hours of what, and at what quality. For a typical MP3 file (music or other sounds), I estimate 1 MB per minute, so 1 GB would give you a thousand minutes (about 17 hours). However, the space used by sound files, per minute, can vary a lot; I have seen MP3 files that used about 0.2 MB/minute, and whose quality was still quite acceptable. On the other hand, higher qualities (higher than 1 MB/minute) are possible as well.
there is no amount of hours. songs are messured in gb so 8gb is 8,000 songs
Hours are a measure of time, a gigabyte is a measure of storage space on a drive. The two can't be converted unless there's more to it, ie, how many hours of a certan kind of media will take up one gigabyte of hard drive space.
hours of what? music, movies, divx, dvd, (what compression)???? etc
itunes music gigabytes
Depends if you dealing with Music or Video, and it depends on the quality. In theory you could have 1 minute of video equal to 4.7GB, 10 hours, or more.
It should have 16, 32 or 64 gigabytes. How much is 'free' after the operating system, all your apps, music and other stuff is variable.
Gigabyte cannot be converted to hours, they measure two separate things. Gigabyte is the amount of data something can hold, and hours is time of course. If you are asking how many hours a gigabyte can hold of a certain type of media like music or video, it will vary. It depends on the quality, with average mp3 quality sound you can fit about 17 hours. If you are talking about videos, if you have a DVD quality video, then you fit about 1 movie, or about 1.5 to 2 hours.
1 or 2 if you have the 16 GB model stuffed with music and apps. Everything takes up some space on the iPad.
1 16 GB one, or 2 8 GB ones, or 16 1 GB ones ...
That is a HUGE file. Many hours 30 hours + ?
It depends on the length of the song, but if they were typically all 3:45 and standard 260kbps, you could have about 1,700 songs.
No. Applications uses memory just like music does.