2 hours
8-10 hours day if day trip
10 hours
That depends how many hours you travel at that speed.
If you travel at 60 mph, it would take 2 and a half hours. If you travel at 65 mph, it would take 2 hours and 18 minutes.
2 hours
Manila to Bicol is a 10 hour travel by bus or it is a 45 minute flight.
No roads are available to travel. Flight is recommended.
8-10 hours day if day trip
The travel time from Manila to Bicol can vary depending on the mode of transportation used. By car or bus, the journey typically takes around 8-12 hours, while by plane, it takes about 1-2 hours.
The flight distance from Manila, Philippines to Sydney, Australia is 3,884 miles / 6,251 km.
The distance is apporximately 221 kilometres. That's roughly equal to 137 miles. Traffic forgiving, on a good day you should be able to drive that in just over a couple of hours.
One hour 40 mins by flight
There is approximately 6,756 miles between Manila, Philippines and Africa. The flight would take about 14 hours when flying on a commercial airline.
I found a nonstop from Manila to Los Angeles which takes 12 hrs 35 minutes travel time. Manila is 15 hours ahead of Los Angeles during Daylight Saving Time, and 16 Hours ahead when United States Daylight Saving Time is not in effect. The travel time is the same in either case, but the 'arrival times' are different by one hour.
10 hours