430 ÷ 8 = 53.75
(16.5 - 8) hrs/day = 8.5 hrs/day (8.5 - 1) hrs/day = 7.5 hrs/day 7.5 hrs/day * 5 days = 37.5 hrs $(£?)4.80/hr * 37.5 hrs = $180 (before taxes)
Well, honey, if you want to do some basic math, 8:30 to 4:30 is 8 hours. But if you need me to hold your hand through it, that's 8 hours and 30 minutes. So, there you have it, 8 and a half hours of your precious time spent working away.
It takes approximately 8 hrs
8 hrs.
A healthly night of sleep is from 6-8 hrs. 8 hrs is more highly recommended.
8 hours.
they have 8-9 hrs.
8 hrs a week