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standard height is 36 inches and if there is available wall space you should put it as close to the sink or shower/tub as possible.

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What side of toilet should toilet paper holder be placed?

Either on the left or right, 26 inches off the floor and 8 to 12 inches forward from the front of the toilet bowl. Reference:

How far apart should receptacle placed?

Believe they can be placed just along side one another. By code, the height is 12 inches above floor.

How high should a toilet be for a handicapped person?

36 inches max from rear wall to furthest edge of dispenser. 19 inches minimum above finished floor to center of roll.

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Depends on the toilet being purchased, but generally 12 inches from the wall to the center of the toilet flange for a residential toilet.

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Should the closet flange be level with the floor or be 14 inches higher than the floor?

Sure. Either way. The wax ring seals the toilet to the closet flange so it doesn't really matter that much. The important part is that the toilet be mounted firmly to the floor so that it doesn't move. That would cause the wax ring to fail then the toilet would leak around the flange.

What is the average height of a toilet?

That depends on who is to use the toilet. children's toilet seats (in schools for example) are much lower than in an apartment and old peoples homes have even higher seats. The Swedish standard toilet height (to the rim not including any seat) is 420 mm.

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They are usually about 24-26 inches high

How high should the toilet paper holder be?

The standard placement is 20 - 24 inches from the floor up to the center of the TP holder. New toilet configuration these days my be several inches higher than the old standard toilet. If you have a newer toilet, adjust accordingly.

What can you do if you turn the water off on the main floor underneath the toilet can you use the bathtub upstairs?

Unless it is a very strange arrangement, turning off the toilet on the first floor should only shut off the water to that toilet. It should have no effect on the upstairs shower.

Is the base of an ADA toilet the same size as the standard toilet or I guess the real question is would I have to change the hole in the floor for the ADA toilet?

Assuming you have a standard toilet now, it will bolt on the same way in the same position. ADA are just taller floor to seat. Most toilets are 12 inches from the back wall to the center of the drain. Older ones, before 1940 or so were 14 inches and I have come across a few odd ones that are 9 inches.