900mm by 575mm is an area and is thus expressed in square feet not feet.We can convert each measurement to feetand then multiply to calculate the area.900mm = 90cm. There are 2.54cm in an inch.Thus this is equal to 90/2.54 inches.There are 12 inches in a foot thus this is equal to 90 / (2.54 * 12) feet.Likewise 575mm = 57.5 / (2.54 * 12) feet.Thus the area = (90 / (2.54 * 12)) * (57.5 / (2.54 * 12)) = 5.570 square feet (accurate to 3 decimal places only).The above answer is perfectly correct. The following gets the same answer by a slightly different thinking process. As long as you understand the process and how to think through it you will be better able to solve like problems in the future.The 900 x 575 part is easy. Just multiply 9 x 57500 = 517,500There are 2.54 cm in an inch so this is 25.4 mm in an inch and 645.16 sq. mm. In a sq. in.There are 12 inches in a foot and 144 sq. in. In a sq. ft.Now if you are carrying the units along the 517,500 is in sq. mm. = 802.13 sq. in.Finally 802.13 / 144 = 5.57 sq. ft.
How many inches in 5ft8inches
There are 39 inches in 39 inches.
66 inches is 66 inches.
66 inches is 66 inches.
There are 0.03973 inches in 1 mm, therefor you have:575mm x (.03973 inch)( 1 mm )= 22.84 inches
By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 feet =304.8 mm 575 mm=1.88648 feet
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900mm by 575mm is an area and is thus expressed in square feet not feet.We can convert each measurement to feetand then multiply to calculate the area.900mm = 90cm. There are 2.54cm in an inch.Thus this is equal to 90/2.54 inches.There are 12 inches in a foot thus this is equal to 90 / (2.54 * 12) feet.Likewise 575mm = 57.5 / (2.54 * 12) feet.Thus the area = (90 / (2.54 * 12)) * (57.5 / (2.54 * 12)) = 5.570 square feet (accurate to 3 decimal places only).The above answer is perfectly correct. The following gets the same answer by a slightly different thinking process. As long as you understand the process and how to think through it you will be better able to solve like problems in the future.The 900 x 575 part is easy. Just multiply 9 x 57500 = 517,500There are 2.54 cm in an inch so this is 25.4 mm in an inch and 645.16 sq. mm. In a sq. in.There are 12 inches in a foot and 144 sq. in. In a sq. ft.Now if you are carrying the units along the 517,500 is in sq. mm. = 802.13 sq. in.Finally 802.13 / 144 = 5.57 sq. ft.
how many half inches is what.
How many inches is a pen
about 4 inches, well thats how how many inches my spoon is., or maybe 5 inches
How many inches in 5ft8inches
74 inches
6.89 inches.
There are 39 inches in 39 inches.
66 inches is 66 inches.