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That depends what it is one third of.

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Q: How many inches is one third?
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21. (7x3=21)

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One third of a foot is 4 inches, so the answer here is 1 and one third feet, or 16 inches.

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one third of a yard = 12 inches.

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A third of a yard is 12 inches, as there are 36 inches in one yard.

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Each yard contains 36 inches. Therefore 2 and one-third yards = 36(2-1/3) = 84 inches.

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8 feet = 12*8 = 96 inches. One third of 8 feet = one third of 96 inches = 32 inches = 2 feet 8 inches.

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Four and one-third feet could describe 52 inches. 48 inches makes up the four feet, and the extra four inches (52 - 48 = 4) is one-third of one foot.

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