The Length of 8.8mm is 0.346456 inches
Milliliters is volume - inches is length. They don't translate.
This is an invalid conversion: square inches is a measure of area and inches is a measure of length or distance.
Invalid conversion: square inches is a measure of area and inches is a measure of length or distance.
This is an invalid conversion: square inches is a measure of area and inches is a measure of length or distance.
A tape measure, calibrated in inches.
The length of a standard desktop stapler is typically around 6 to 7 inches. However, the specific length can vary depending on the brand and model of the stapler.
About 10 inches.
NO inches - inches are a measure of length.
They are about 4 inches in length.
The Length of 8.8mm is 0.346456 inches
The length of a long bond paper is typically 17 inches.
About 45 inches
The M16 assault rifle has an overall length of 39.5 inches (1,000mm) and a barrel length of 20 inches (508mm).
There are 36 inches in a yard
The length of 29.52 inches are 74.9808 centimeters.
6 inches atleast shoulder length