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Q: How many inches of stab to reach the heart?
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A stab wound to the heart can result in cardiac tamponade this means that?

a stab wound to the heart can result in cardiac tamponade

How many inches of stab wound will reach the heart?

The heart is just under the ribs starting behind the breast bone and extending to the left to about the nipple. The area just under the left chest muscle is just about the closest the heart gets to the chest surface at about one inch through the ribs. If you go through the sternum it is about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch but that bone is really hard. If you go through the chest muscle and ribs it will depend on how thick the muscle or breast is - usually three inches. From the back it is usually four to five inches just next to the shoulder blade.

How do you get all girls in school?

stab their heart out

How do you kill a guy with a pen?

you can stab him in the heart from your mom

Why does jack Sparrow want to stab the heart of Davy Jones?

Jack Sparrow wants to stab the heart because he wants to have the ability to live forever and become immortal

How many times can a vampier die?

vampiers cant die until u stab them in the heart with a stake or and arrow

How do you stab things in halo reach?

i think you mean assassinate not stab and how you do it is walk up behind an enemy and hold the melee button.

Does Juliet stab herself in the stomach or heart?

Juliet stabs herself in the heart with Romeo's dagger.

What has no heart Yet is alive and it never moves People stab it with knives?

A tree.

Best friends only poke each other with straws---WHAT DOES IT means?

It is a piece of the quote: "Strangers stab you in the front, Friends stab you in the back, Boyfriends stab you in the heart, Best Friends only poke you with straws" Strangers mug you Friends betray you Boyfriends break your heart But best friends only play around

How can you kill a gena paulhus?

shes probably a vampire stab her in the heart with a wooden stake

How to die easily?

if your saying like not to like hurt you self in suffer but die naturally to ways take a drug or stab a sword in your heart