

How many inches r n a yard?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: How many inches r n a yard?
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4 inches equal how many yards and inches?

4 inches equals 4 inches, their are 36 inches needed to make one yard lol.In order to find how many yards in an inch with inches left over, the amount of inches has to be at least 36, then simply use old school division to find the answer (division with a no decimal remainder). For example how many yards with inches left over in 37 inches? 37/36=1 R 1 or 37 inches divides into one group of 1 yard (36) with 1 left over (remainder is the inches left over. Or simply take I/36=Y (any answer with a remainder is number of inches left over). I=inches you wish to find out how many yards are in, the number of inches must be 36 or more for this to work correctly. R I =if its a remainder the remainder is the number of inches left over 38/36=1 r 2 38 inches have one yard (36) and 2 inches left over

How many inches r in a feet?

there are 12 inches in a foot

What is the difference between a permutation and combination?

n p =n!/(n-r)! r and n c =n!/r!(n-r)! r

How many feet r in 948 inches?


Why is it said that poisson distribution is a limiting case of binomial distribution?

This browser is totally bloody useless for mathematical display but...The probability function of the binomial distribution is P(X = r) = (nCr)*p^r*(1-p)^(n-r) where nCr =n!/[r!(n-r)!]Let n -> infinity while np = L, a constant, so that p = L/nthenP(X = r) = lim as n -> infinity of n*(n-1)*...*(n-k+1)/r! * (L/n)^r * (1 - L/n)^(n-r)= lim as n -> infinity of {n^r - O[(n)^(k-1)]}/r! * (L^r/n^r) * (1 - L/n)^(n-r)= lim as n -> infinity of 1/r! * (L^r) * (1 - L/n)^(n-r) (cancelling out n^r and removing O(n)^(r-1) as being insignificantly smaller than the denominator, n^r)= lim as n -> infinity of (L^r) / r! * (1 - L/n)^(n-r)Now lim n -> infinity of (1 - L/n)^n = e^(-L)and lim n -> infinity of (1 - L/n)^r = lim (1 - 0)^r = 1lim as n -> infinity of (1 - L/n)^(n-r) = e^(-L)So P(X = r) = L^r * e^(-L)/r! which is the probability function of the Poisson distribution with parameter L.

Related questions

How many inches r in a yard?

1 yard = 36 inches

4 inches equal how many yards and inches?

4 inches equals 4 inches, their are 36 inches needed to make one yard lol.In order to find how many yards in an inch with inches left over, the amount of inches has to be at least 36, then simply use old school division to find the answer (division with a no decimal remainder). For example how many yards with inches left over in 37 inches? 37/36=1 R 1 or 37 inches divides into one group of 1 yard (36) with 1 left over (remainder is the inches left over. Or simply take I/36=Y (any answer with a remainder is number of inches left over). I=inches you wish to find out how many yards are in, the number of inches must be 36 or more for this to work correctly. R I =if its a remainder the remainder is the number of inches left over 38/36=1 r 2 38 inches have one yard (36) and 2 inches left over

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cuz 9 inches is 1/4 of a yard Y-A-R-D

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Combinations of r from n without replacement is c(n,r) = n!/(n-r)!r! c(n,r) = 23!/20!3! c(n,r) = 1771.

How many inches r in a feet?

there are 12 inches in a foot

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It maybe 36 inches = length in a yard.

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6 consonants: Y, R, W, N, N, R.

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There are about 12 inches in 30 cm

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1 mile=63,360 inches

What is the difference between a permutation and combination?

n p =n!/(n-r)! r and n c =n!/r!(n-r)! r

What is the mathematical function to determine how many combinations there are?

With (n) things to choose from, and you choose a quantity (r) of them [like a lottery]: the formula is: n! / (r!(n-r)!) See related link.