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Q: How many indentation sliders are available on the vertical ruler on the left hand side of the ruler?
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Which element of the word program window shows the settings for the top and botton document margins?

vertical ruler

Does the vertical ruler display across the top of the word window?

the vertical ruler displays across the top of the word window? my answer is true

Where is the view ruler button located?

the view ruler is located at the top of the vertical scrool bar.

What is ruler guide?

PowerPoint has the ruler features that you can use to measure vertical and horizontal distances of the drawing area

Displayed at left edge of word window?

Vertical Ruler

What is a rule line?

a ruling line is a ruler in Microsoft Word that is consisted of the vertical and horizontal rules on a page

How do you make a vertical line?

Simply use a ruler and do an equally line

What would be the angle between the ruler and its image if the angle between a horizontal ruler and a vertical plane mirror is 30?


What is a ruler bar?

A ruler bar is a tool used in graphic design and desktop publishing software to measure and align objects on a page. It typically appears as a horizontal or vertical strip with markings for units of measurement. Users can drag it from the edge of the software window to measure distances accurately.

What is ruller bar?

A ruler bar allows you to format the vertical alignment of text in a document.

The default tab stops are indicated at the bottom of the horizontal ruler by small vertical?

tick marks

What is a horizontal?

A horizontal position is like a ruler laying flat on a table like the example:____________________as apposed to A vertical line like the example:lllllla ruler is going up and down.