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Q: How many iterations are possible in the Sierpinski Triangle?
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How many triangles are in Sierpinski's triangle?

Well a Sierpinski Triangle is a triangle mad up of 69 small triangles.

How many black triangles are there in the nth figure of a Sierpinski triangle?


How many triangles are there in the tenth iteration of the sierpinski triangle?

59,049 shaded triangles

Why is it important to do many iterations?

To get all the possible opportunities for improvement.

What shape has 45 degrees?

There are infiitely many possible answers. A right angled isosceles triangle is one.There are infiitely many possible answers. A right angled isosceles triangle is one.There are infiitely many possible answers. A right angled isosceles triangle is one.There are infiitely many possible answers. A right angled isosceles triangle is one.

How many examples are in a triangle shapes set?

Infinitely many. The smallest side of a triangle can have infinitely many possible lengths.

What is a polyhedron with a triangle surface?

There are many possible answers.

How many sides for a triangle?

3. A triangle is the simplest possible polygon and is a three sided figure.

How many meters does a possible right triangle need?

Infinitely many.

How many iterations are in the koch snowflake?

an infinite number.

To what do the internal angles of a triangle add?

In Euclidean geometry, 180. Other answers are possible, depending on the surface on which the triangle is drawn.

What solid has nine edges?

There are many possible solids. A triangle based prism, or a triangle based dipyramid are two examples.