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Q: How many joules are given off when 3.50kg of iron cools from 110 to 22?
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Molten iron is extremely hot averaging about 1500 The specific heat of iron is 0.46 How much heat is released to the atmosphere when 1 molten iron cools to room temperature?

0.46 * 1475 = 678.5 Kjoules (The specific heat is given in terms of joules/ gramme/degC, whilst the question refers to 1kg ie 1000g )

A particular sample of iron requires 562 Joules to raise its temperature from 25 degreee Celsius to 50 degrees Celsius. What must be the mass of the sample of iron?

To find the mass of the iron sample, you need to know the specific heat capacity of iron. Given that the heat energy required to raise the temperature is 562 Joules, you can use the formula: heat energy = mass x specific heat capacity x temperature change. With the specific heat capacity of iron (0.45 J/g°C), you can calculate the mass of the iron sample.

Why does red hot liquid iron turn solid?

When red hot liquid iron cools down, it loses energy, causing the iron atoms to slow down and move closer together. This allows the iron atoms to form a crystalline structure, creating solid iron.

When you are through using a soldering iron does cool it with water? cools by itself.

Why was iron given that name?

iron was given iron becease it was the best thing tname it

How many joules of heat are given out when a piece of iron of mass 50grammes and specific heat capacity of 400joules cool from 80 degrees Celsius to 20 degree Celsius?

Where are you getting this specific heat number. With the other numbers there is no cancellation.

What is the change of molten iron cooling and solidifying?

As molten iron cools, its temperature decreases until it reaches its solidification point, at which point it forms solid iron. During this process, the atoms in the molten iron arrange themselves into a crystalline structure, transitioning from a liquid to a solid state. This solidification process is exothermic, releasing heat energy as the iron solidifies.

What is the first minerals to form when magma cools that are rich in iron calcium and magnesium?

The first minerals to form when magma cools and is rich in iron, calcium, and magnesium are typically olivine, pyroxene, and/or plagioclase feldspar. These minerals have high melting points and tend to crystallize early as the magma cools.

How does a thermostat control the amount of heat being given off by iron?

the thermostat heats up and is spring loaded when there is enough heat it will close and stop the heating element, when it cools it opens again and turns the heat back on, hope this helps

How does an iron cool down?

An iron cools down by losing heat energy to its surroundings through conduction, convection, and radiation. As the iron's temperature decreases, the molecules inside the iron slow down, resulting in a reduction of its thermal energy.

Specific heat of iron?

The specific heat of iron is approximately 0.449 joules per gram per degree Celsius or 449 joules per kilogram per degree Celsius. This means it requires this amount of energy to raise the temperature of 1 gram of iron by 1 degree Celsius.

How much energy is needed to melt 1 metric ton of iron?

It takes approximately 2.4 million joules of energy to melt 1 metric ton of iron.