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Q: How many joules is 2 newtons through 10 metres?
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How many joules are in a newton?

There is no direct conversion between joules and newtons because they are units used to measure different quantities. Newtons measure force, while joules measure energy. However, work, which is measured in joules, can be calculated by multiplying force in newtons by distance in meters.

A 200 lb man exerts 882 Newtons on earth how many Joules is that?

Joules is the unit of work being done. A 200 Ib man exerts 882 Newtons is not getting any work done. If 882 Newtons, which is the force, was multiplied by 0 movement, then the 200 Ib man is exerting 0 joules.

How many joutes is there in a flower pot weighing 3 newtons is sitting on a windowsill 30 meters from the ground?

The potential energy would be mass x gravitational force x height If the pot weighs 3 newtons its mass is 0.3 kilogram. Joules = 0.3 x 9.8 x 30 ( 9.8 metres per second is the force due to gravity) Equals 88.2 joules.

A 200 lb man exerts 882 Newtons on earth how many Joules is that if he jumps a meter into the air?

To calculate the work done, we multiply force by distance, so in this case: Work = Force x Distance Work = 882 Newtons x 1 meter = 882 Joules Therefore, the man does 882 Joules of work when he jumps a meter into the air on Earth.

How many Newtons is 100 Joules?

Since work is equal to force times distance, and work and energy are equivalent in this context, we can use the equation W = Fd to find the force needed to produce 100 Joules of energy. If the distance is 1 meter, then the force required would be 100 Newtons.

How many joules is 10 newtons?

To calculate the energy in joules, we need more information such as the distance over which the force is applied. If we assume the force is applied over a distance of 1 meter, then the work done would be 10 joules (Work = Force x Distance).

How many Newtons are needed to push a car?

car weight: 1300 kg - 13000 N tire-asphalt friction = 0,15cm Tire radius = 30cm F= 0.15*13000/30 = 6,5 N

A force of 20 newtons is required to push a cart weighing 30 newtons 40 meters across a room. From this effort how many joules of work are performed?

A force of 20 newtons acting through a distance of 40 meters produceswork equal to (20 x 40) = 800 newton-meters = 800 joules.The weight of the cart doesn't matter.

A 200 lb man exerts 882 Newtons on earthhow many Joules is that?

To calculate the work done in Joules, you need to know the distance over which the force is exerted. If the distance and direction are known, you can use the formula: Work (Joules) = Force (Newton) x Distance (meters) x Cosine (θ). Without the distance information, it's not possible to determine the work done in Joules.

400 newton force is equal to HOW many joule force?

A force is measured in Newtons (N) while energy is measured in Joules (J). They are different quantities and cannot be directly converted from one to the other. However, if a force of 400 N acts over a distance, the work done by this force can be calculated in Joules using W = F * d, where W is the work done, F is the force in Newtons, and d is the distance over which the force is applied.

How many joules of work are done when a force of 2 newtons moves an object 2.5 meters?

The work done can be calculated using the formula: Work = Force x Distance. In this case, the work done would be 2 N x 2.5 m = 5 Joules.

How many joules in a petajoule?

A petajoule is 1015 joules (Quadrillion joules)