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For starters, the question uses the wrong dimensions. The amount of energy to power a home might be measured in energy units per month - and kW is not a unit of energy.

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Q: How many kW per month to power a 2000 sq ft home?
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How many MWh in a month?

The number of MWh (megawatt-hours) in a month will depend on the average power consumption during that month. To calculate, multiply the average power (in MW) by the number of hours in the month. For example, if the average power consumption is 10 MW and the month has 720 hours, the total energy usage would be 10 MW x 720 hours = 7,200 MWh.

How much would it cost to run a home on solar panel?

The cost of your solar system is directly related to how many kilowatts your home uses each month. That is what determines how much power you wish to generate.

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Derek Jeter hit 15 home runs in 2000.

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The Yankees hit 205 home runs in 2000.

How many watts in 2000VA?

Up to 2000 watts. 2000 VA means the voltage times the current equals 2000, which must be multiplied by the power factor to find the power. The power factor depends on which type of load is being used. A heater has a power factor of 1, a motor around 0.8.

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it is 170 horse power.

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He had 189 career home runs through the 2000 season.

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about 50 every month

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2000 per Month

How many home runs did Alex Rodriguez hit between 1994 and 2000?

Alex Rodriguez hit 189 home runs between 1994 and 2000.