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1 hp = 746 watts

2 hp = 1,492 watts

2 hp x 1 hour = 1,492 watt-hours = 1.492 kWh

(Note: The "2 hp" rating on the pump refers to the useful output, that is,

the water that the pump moves. The '1.492 kWh' calculated is simply the

equivalent of 2 hp-hour, expressed in a different unit. The consumption

from the electric utility will be more than that, because no machine is

100% efficient, that is, a machine's useful output work/energy is always

less than the input to it.

To calculate the input energy required to operate this pump at full load

for an hour, divide 1.492 kWh by the efficiency of the pump.)

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Q: How many kWh a 2 hp water pump in one hour?
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