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Q: How many kasus for a thulam?
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How many grams make thulam?

There is no standard conversion for thulam to grams as "thulam" is not a commonly recognized unit of measurement. It may refer to a specific item or substance for which the conversion to grams would depend on its density or composition.

How many grams per one thulam gold?

Ah, thulam gold is a beautiful measurement from India. One thulam gold is equivalent to approximately 1.162 grams. It's like painting with just the right amount of paint on your brush - precise and lovely. Just remember, it's not about the weight but the joy it brings when you create something special.

1 thulam how many grams?

11.66 grams

How many grams gold are in an thulam and Savaram?

In the traditional Indian system of measurement, 1 thulam is equal to 11.664 grams of gold. Similarly, 1 Savaram is equivalent to 8 grams of gold. These units are commonly used in South India for measuring gold jewelry and other precious items.

What has the author Margiyono written?

Margiyono has written: 'Kasus pencemaran nama'

1 thulam gold is how many kasu of gold?

1.5 kasu

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thulam 230rs

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What has the author Istijanto written?

Istijanto. has written: '63 kasus pemasaran terkini Indonesia'