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((.5 * 960) * ((101 * 1 000 * 60 * 60)^2)) * 0.000239005736 = 1.5166917 × 1016

1/2 M V^2= kinetic energy times conversion from joules to kilocalories.

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Q: How many kilocalories of heat are generated when the brakes are used to bring a 960 kg car to rest from a speed of 101 km per hour?
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How much thermal energy is generated by the brakes of a kg train in causing the train to slow from a speed of W sec to speed of W sec?

The amount of thermal energy generated by the brakes of a train in slowing down from one speed to another depends on the mass of the train, the initial and final speeds, and the efficiency of the braking system. The energy is converted from the kinetic energy of the train into heat energy by the brakes. The specific calculation would require more details about the system.

What affects speed?

the brakes affect the speed

If you are applying the brakes on your bicycle are you accelerating explain?

Using brakes slows your speed.

Does the Space Shuttle have speed brakes?

No, the Space Shuttle did not have traditional speed brakes like those found on aircraft. It used a combination of aerodynamic control surfaces and its main engines to control its speed during reentry into the Earth's atmosphere.

What should you do if your brakes become wet?

While driving, apply the brakes gently for a short distance, as you maintain your speed.

Does a one speed bike have brakes?

Most do, but not all. Real track bikes, and some types of BMXes won't have brakes.

Is stepping on the brakes of a moving train an example of acceleration?

No, stepping on the brakes of a moving train is an example of deceleration, as it is the action of slowing down or reducing the speed of the train. Acceleration refers to an increase in speed or velocity.

What if brakes squeak only at low speed?

all ou must do is always stay on high speed.

Why a train moving at high speed comes to halt when chain is pulled from some compartment?

When the chain is pulled, it activates the emergency brakes on the train, causing it to gradually come to a halt. The emergency brakes are designed to bring the train to a stop as quickly and safely as possible to prevent accidents or emergencies on board. This allows the train to stop efficiently even when it is moving at high speed.

Suppose that you are in a moving car and the motor stops. You step on the brakes and slow the car to half speed. If you release your foot will the car speed up or continue at half speed or slow down?

If you release the brakes while the car is at half speed, the car will gradually accelerate until it reaches its original speed before you stepped on the brakes. This is because there is no external force slowing down the car once you release the brakes.

When a moving car slows down it's kinetic energy decrease?

When a moving car slows down, its kinetic energy decreases because kinetic energy is directly related to an object's speed. As the car decelerates, its speed decreases, causing its kinetic energy to decrease as well. This energy is ultimately transferred into other forms, such as heat generated by the brakes.

How does a airoplane float in air?

With lift generated by wind speed over the wings.