58/19 = 3.0526 times as long, or 2.0526 times longer. (both rounded)
15 times
It is how many kilometers light travels in one year.
There is no answer since you are comparing speed (km/h) with power (hp)
345 times the word power is used in the bible. 345 times the word power is used in the bible.
There's no such thing as "the fifth square" of a number.To calculate any whole-number power of a number, write the number that many timesall on one line, then write the word "times" between them, get your pencil out, and getto work.The 5th power of a number 'N' is'N' times 'N' times 'N' times 'N' times 'N' .
24.54 times.
3 and one-fifth times
58/19 = 3.0526 times as long, or 2.0526 times longer. (both rounded)
There are about 8/5 times 4136 = 6617.6 kilometers
There are about 8/5 times 631 = 1009.6 kilometers
12 with remainder 2.
28 kilometers is about 5/8 times 28 = 17.5 miles
There are about: 8/5 times 9,894 = 15,830.4 kilometers
x times 1000