The average person walks 245-292 kilometers in a year. The average person takes about 7500 steps a day. Assuming every day the person walks, an eighty year old person who began walking at one year of age, would have taken 216,262,500 steps in their lifetime. An average person, with an average stride, living to this age of 80 will walk about 108,131 miles.
About 8 minutes 40 seconds at the average human walking speed of 9km/h
No. The average walking speed for a adult human is around 4 to 5 kilometers per hour which is 4000 to 5000 meters per hour. A brisk walker can do probably a couple of more kilometers in a hour. So, if you are planning to walk or even run - doing 10000 meters is impossible in 2 minutes.
Average speed=distance/time=7.5 km/1.5hr=5km/hr
A league is the distance a person can walk in an hour - often defined as 3 miles, or as 5 kilometers.
20 minutes is average.
About 8 minutes 40 seconds at the average human walking speed of 9km/h
Too Many.
You will walk 8.04672 km
3500 meters = 3.5 kilometers
About 5 minutes at the average human walking speed of 9km/h
you figure it out dummy
1.76 kilometers = 5,774.28 feet
The average human being can walk approximately 3 miles per hour. If this number was then extrapolated to the period of a day (12 hours) this would equal out to approximately 36 miles walked.
The time it takes to walk 60 kilometers can vary depending on walking speed. On average, it may take anywhere from 12-15 hours to walk 60 kilometers at a moderate pace of about 5 km/h.
No. The average walking speed for a adult human is around 4 to 5 kilometers per hour which is 4000 to 5000 meters per hour. A brisk walker can do probably a couple of more kilometers in a hour. So, if you are planning to walk or even run - doing 10000 meters is impossible in 2 minutes.
The distance between Buenos Aires and Mexico City are 7,380 kilometers (4,587 miles). The average person walks at a speed of 5 kilometers (3 miles) an hour. Without stopping, the average person would take 63 days to walk such distance.