675 of them.675 of them.675 of them.675 of them.
To determine how many times 5 can go into 3375, you would perform a division operation. Divide 3375 by 5, which equals 675. Therefore, 5 can go into 3375 a total of 675 times.
675 * 16 = 10800
To find the percent of 6.75, you do the following: 6.75x100% which equals 675%.
0.675 kilometers.
675 is a number and does not measure any kilometres.
67.5 cm = 675 mm.
999 -675 = 324
The air distance from Patterson, North Carolina, to Montreal, Canada, is 777 miles. That equals 1,250 kilometers or 675 nautical miles.
675 k/h (is this a trick question?) 675 kilometers
675 of them.675 of them.675 of them.675 of them.
The air distance from Wichita, Kansas, to Atlanta, Georgia, is 776 miles. That equals 1,249 kilometers or 675 nautical miles.