you have to do all kinds of games like bonus games i recommend 3 moves to zero though
The answer will depend onhow many stickers required to fill a page,how many pages in the book.Since neither of these items of information are given, it is not possible to answer the question.
3! = 3x2x1 = 6
There are 9 squares (or stickers) on one side of a Rubik's Cube. In total, you multiply 9 x 6 and then there are 54 stickers.
there are 6 kinds
They put bump stickers on the outside of their truck
They don't have that many stickers to award.
If Peter, David and Tom collected 400 stickers altogether, Peter had three times as many stickers as Tom, David had 155 stickers more than Peter, then Peter had 13 stickers.
Amanda has 10 stickers. Sarah has 15 stickers karina has 7 stickers and Emma has 14 stickers therefore Sarah has the most stickers
There are many different kinds of cat decors available. They include cat stickers, cat decals, table cloth that features cat design, wallpaper that features cat design, etc.
Of Course,cars do have stickers for decoration,for promotion and many other things.To make your car attractive you must try the variation available in the market like Vinyl car stickers,rear window stickers,custom car stickers and many more.
Probably 10-15 stickers on anything is already too much
There are 700 stickers in Brawl
There are many places online that have good rates on bumper stickers. has many different premade stickers as well as the ability to make your own. also carries many different types of bumper stickers and accessories.
2 left DUMMY!!
No Stickers will not weaken your helmet, put as many on as makes you happy.