

How many kings are in one deck?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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11y ago

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If you're talking about cards, then 4. King of Hearts, Spades, Diamonds and Clubs.

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Q: How many kings are in one deck?
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In a standard deck, there are 13 spades and 4 kings and 1 king of spades.

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Assuming you mean how many fours in a deck of playing cards, a standard deck has four. One heart, diamond, spade, clubs/

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There are 1584 hands possible with 2 Kings, 2 Jacks and 1 other card which is not a King or a Jack.

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Each card is unique. There are four kings, for instance, but each is of a different suit. There are 13 hearts, but each is of a different value. No two cards in a 52 card deck are identical.

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There is no 'best deck'. Really there are many decks that are very good and can rival each other. Some decks that are at the top are Wind-Up, Atlantean, Atlantean-Mermail, Fire Kings and there are more... So many more. My personal favorites are Dark Worlds and a Gravekeeper deck that runs multiple negation traps.

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There are 4 Kings in a deck of 52 cards, so the probability of picking a King is 4/52 or 1/13.