From Bangkok to Phuket 430 miles / 692.02 km / 373.66 nautical miles
Bankok Air offers flights to Samui. I believe they are the only airline that does the Phuket to Samui route. Not sure about other starting destinations.
The flight distance from Singapore to Phuket, Thailand is: 582 miles / 937 km
it depends were your at if you go to the tropics like Phuket or Pataya its very beautiful and clear blue water Bankok is just like any busy city
The driving distance from Phuket, Thailand to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is 619 miles / 996 km.
It is real.i saw this tree.500 km away from bankok
The flight from Phuket to London is approximately 12 hours and 51 minutes long. The actual flight distance is 6,174 miles or 9,936 km.
Phuket is an island is Thailand. Phuket is also a province and is capital is Phuket-city.
840km by road.
The distance from Bangkok, Thailand to Phuket Province, Thailand is 678.8 kilometers. This is equal in distance to 421.8 miles.
While the exact number of hotels in Phuket varies greatly due to openings and closings, Phuket, an island province off the southwest coast of Thailand, is said to boast at least fifty hotels.