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It so much depends on how fast you run and how fast you swim and what type of stroke, and your weight. But roughly, say you run a 10 minute mile you burn 100 calories; say you swim 12 laps (300 meters) in 10 minutes you burn about the same 100 calories. A mile is 1600 meters, so a mile swim is a about a 5 mile run. Or 12 laps is about a mile run

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Q: How many laps in a 25 meter pool would equal the same effort not distance in running a mile which is much easier than swimming a mile what would your estimate be for a mile swim to equal a mile run?
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its basically the same method to improve in all distances of a track. If you run farther than the distance that you are competing in at practice, then naturally at themeets it will seem easier. Also, try cross-training. Sometimes it gets boring running on a track. Try swimming or bicycle riding. It keeps you fit and in shape for running.

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