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Q: How many large tomatoes in 1 kg?
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How many kg is a large text book?

1 kg

If 1 kg of tomatoes costs 5 CHF how much will 0.1kg cost?

If 1 kg of tomatoes costs 5 CHF, 0.1 kg will cost 1/10th of 5 CHF, so the cost will be 0.5 kg.

How many tomatoes in 1 kg?

It will depend on the size of tomato, for example, the smaller cherry tomatoes will weigh much less than big beefsteak tomatoes so there will be a lot more of the cherry type in a kilo.

How many tomatoes make up 1 kg?

The total number of tomatoes that make up 1kg of tomatoes varies depending on the size of the tomatoes. On average there are 8-9 tomatoes that make up 1kg.

What is the mass in kg and g the 6 tins of tomatoes in 450 g?

Mass of 6 tins of tomatoes = 6*450 = 2700 grams Now 1000 grams = 1 kilogram so mass of tomatoes = 2 kg and 700 g

How many grams 1 large tomato?

A medium tomato will yield approximately 1/2 a cup of diced tomatoes. This will vary depending on the actual size of the tomato.

How many kilogram in 1 ounce?

As a Kilogram is large and a ounce is small the number of Kg in 1 ounce is 0.08234

When to use kilograms versus grams?

grams when small kg when large 1 kg = 1000 grams 1 gram = 0.001 kg

How many tomatoes are in 1 flat?

Flats can range from 20-25 lbs of produce, so that would be about 105-120 tomatoes. Typically there is 100 count in a flat if you're buying Grade A Large.

How many cups of crushed tomatoes equals 1 pound?

2 cups of tomatoes equal about 1 pound.

How many pounds of tomatoes are in one quart?

One bushel of fresh tomatoes weighs 53 pounds and yields about 18 quarts of canned tomatoes. Therefore, about 3 pounds of fresh tomatoes makes 1 qt of canned tomatoes.

How many chicken wings 1kg would equal 1 MT?

How many chicken wing to 1 kg will depend on the size of the wings. You can get up to approximately 36 small wings in 1 kg. If the wings are large, you will get less.