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Q: How many layers would there be if you folded a piece of paper 7 times?
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How many times can an a4 piece of paper be folded in half?

Any paper can be folded in half for 6 times.

How many times can a piece of a4 paper be folded in half?

Any size sheet of paper can only be folded in half 7 times.

Can paper be folded in half more than 7 times?

In theory, paper can be folded in half more than 7 times, but it becomes increasingly difficult as the number of folds increases. The thickness of the paper and its size are limiting factors that make it practically impossible to fold a standard piece of paper more than 7-8 times.

How many times have you folded a piece of paper?

the rules of matter will only allow it to be folded 7 times max

If a piece of paper is folded 9 times how many sections will there be?

It's physically impossible to fold a piece of paper more than 7 times.

Can a piece of paper be folded more than seven times?

Yes it is possible. But the paper does have to be very big and thinner than an ordinary piece of paper.

What is the formula to determine how many sides when a piece of paper is folded in half repeatedly?

If by sides you refer to the number of paper slices you can hold then the formula is this: assuming that when the paper has not been folded, the number of times folded is equal zero then the equation is: 2x, where x is the number of times folded. for example if the paper has been folded four times the number of sides is: 24 = 16

If you fold a piece of paper 20 times how many layers will there be?

If you could physically fold a piece of paper in half 20 times, it would result in 2^20 layers, which is equal to 1,048,576 layers. However, due to physical limitations, it is practically impossible to fold a piece of paper that many times.

If you folded a piece a paper 50 times how tall would it be?

A normal piece of paper is about 0.0038 inches thick. So, if the paper were to be folded 50 times, it would become, essentially, 1,125,899,906,842,624 pieces of paper stacked upon one another. Therefore, you would multiply the above number by 0.0038 and that would be 4278419646001.97 inches or 67,525,562.594 miles of paper. So, a normal 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper folded 50 times would be 67,525,562.594 miles, which is 141 times the distance the Moon is to the Earth.

What is the world record for most times to fold a paper?

a) It depends on paper size, and the quality of the paper.b) A piece of paper may be folded in half approximately 6-7 times consecutively, without unfolding, since the seventh fold and beyond would require bending hundreds (2^n) of layers .MythBusters managed to fold a football field sized piece of paper 11 times.

What would the sequence of inward and outward folds be in a piece of paper folded in half ten times?

There is no fixed sequence.

How many times can you fold an A4 piece of paper in half?

It is generally believed that an A4 piece of paper can be folded in half approximately seven to eight times due to the thickness of the paper increasing with each fold, making it increasingly difficult to fold further.