There were 10 leap years between 1970 and 2011.
5,258,880 minutes.
there will be 105,168 hours
It's not really a decade if you exclude leap years, but 365 x 10 = 3650.
16 leap years
Leap year every 4 years, so there are 10 leap years: (365 x 40) + 10 = 14,610 days
It is approx 87660 hours - depending on how many leap years are included.
7 of 10 leap years occur every years?
24 leap years
Leap years occur every 4 years.
1 year = 52.177457 week x 10 years = 521.77 weeks
10 * 365 = 3650Plus two or three leap year days equals 3652 or 3653.
49.863 leap years - leap years in 50 yrs HOPE IT HELPS YOU answered by : Queendeathhell
From 1646 to 2011 there have been 88 leap years.
1 if it is a leap year
I dont know if you meant .10 or 10 so ill give both 10 years around 3500 days .10 years around 37 days
10 years = 3652.3 days = 87655.2 hours = 5259312 min (including 2.5 days for leap years).