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8 guys = 16 legs
27 dogs= 108 legs
2 rats = 8 legs
so your total is 132 legs

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Q: How many legs are there if there are 8 guys 27 dogs and 2 rats?
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Five cats kill five rats in five minutes then how many cats needed to kill 100 rats in 50 minutes?

If 5 Cats kill 5 Rats in 5 minutes that equals 1 rat killed each minute by each cat. So, in twice as many minutes the same ammount of cats will kill twice as many rats... 5 cats will kill 10 rats in 10 minutes. And if left for five times as long, which is 50 minutes, those same 5 cats will kill 50 rats. So obviously you will need twice as many cats to kill twice as many rats in the same time. So the answer is... You will need 10 cats to kill 100 rats in 50 minutes.

If one and a half cats catch one and a half rats in one and a half minutes How many rats can three cats catch in two minutes?

none they are vegitarian :)

How many cm in length and height should a cage for two or three rats be?

Well for three rats there should be three levels I don't know the length or width but there should be a lot of space and that is because as they get bigger they need more room. My friend has rats and she had hers made I don't where but it is great it has three levels and she has four rats but the bottom level is close to the bottom of the cage and so it is a hiddy sort of place and she has so many toys you can't see the rats. If you get a cage get one with levels.

How many hours is 300 Mega bites?

Kissing plauge rats on the lips is bad but kissing them on the belly is okay.

If 3 cats catch 3 rats in 3 minutes how many cats will catch 100 rats in 100 minutes?

1, 1 cat catches 1 rat in 1 minute...... SO, one cat will catch 100 rats in 100 minutes, assuming no feline fatigue element, and assuming the rats do not become more experienced in evasion, at the given rate of one rat per minute per cat.

Related questions

Do dogs eaqt mutated rats?

Dogs may instinctively chase and catch small animals like rats, but it's not recommended for them to eat them. Rats can carry diseases and parasites that can be harmful to dogs if ingested. It's best to prevent dogs from hunting and consuming rats.

How many rats birds and dogs catch the black plague?

about 35.....

Can rats be kept with dogs?

Yes, they do. Dogs are predators. Rats are prey.

Does the class mammalia include dogs cats and rats?

Yes. Rats, Dogs, and Cats ave Live Birth.

How many legs on 157 cats and 220 rats?

Each cat and each rat has four legs. Therefore, the answer is 4(157 + 220) = 1508

How are rats related to prairie dogs?

Rats aren't even related to prairie dogs. Prairie dogs are related to squirels, chipmunks, flying squirels, and so on.

How many times cleaner are rats than dogs?

At least 75x cleaner according to my vet.

Which are most closely related cats and dogs or cats and rats?

Cats and dogs are more closely related than cats and rats.

What are a rat's enemy?

Rats have many enemies.That includes ALL cats, some dogs, snakes, hawks and other birds.People can even be rats enemies.Rats do have many enemies.a rats enemy is any type of snake except race snake

Which pair are more related rats and cats or cats and dogs?

Domestic cats and dogs are more closely related than cats and rats. Cats and dogs diverge at Order Carnivora, cats to Feliformia and dogs to caniformia. Cats and rats, on the other hand diverge at Infraclass Eutheria, rats to Rodentia and cats to Carnivora.(Dogs belong to Genus Canis, cats to Genus Felis, and rats to Genus Rattus.)Cats and dogs both descend from a weasel-like mammal known as cynodictis.

Does rat have limbs?

Yes, rats have four limbs that they use for walking, climbing, and other activities. These limbs are adapted for their lifestyle and help them move around efficiently in their environment.

What are the animals on the Titanic?

Dogs Cats, rats,,,