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Q: How many lengths are in one meter?
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How many laps in a 400 meter swimming race?

16 lengths (down and back counts as 2 lengths)

How many lengths to get half mile in a 25 meter pool?

32 lengths of a standard training pool 25m

How many sets of 20 meter lengths to a mile?

80.46 sets

How many meters in 125 lengths in a 25 meter pool?

625 metres :)

What is the label for distance?

there are so many lengths in distance .The SI label for distance is meter.

How many laps equal a mile in an olympic size pool?

In a 50 meter pool, one mile would be 16 laps (32 lengths).

In a 50 meter pool how many laps make one mile?

1 mile = 1.609 kilometres = 1609 metres = 32.18 lengths or 16.09 laps.

How many 25gyard lengths equals one mile?

70.4 lengths

How many more lengths will you need to make a meter if you have 10?

The answer will depend on ten lengths of WHAT! Since you have not bothered to provide that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

How far is 3300 meter swim?

132 lengths

How many laps in a 25 meter pool equal 1 mile?

72 lengths or 36 laps in a 25 meter pool